Wednesday 6 May 2009

Where has the time gone?

I am still new to this whole blog thing but that is no excuse for being lazy about posting. It has been more than a little crazy for me the last couple of months. A group from our church is going on a mission trip in 6 weeks and we have been working like crazy on fundraising. It seems that every week there is something new that "has" to be done right away. My husband works with the younger boys in our RA (Royal Ambassadors) program and May 13th is the last session until the fall. Yippeee!!!!! Our youngest son will be celebrating his (gulp) 16th Birthday in a month. You can imagine how much effort has to go into the party, the gift, etc. I wonder what his present will be?

I recently had the pleasure of having a Girls' Night with a good friend. Our husbands and kids were all gone on a camping trip. We were able to go out and have a great dinner, do lots of window shopping, and then stayed up way too late. It was sorely needed. As women, I think we all get so caught up in taking care of and spoiling our families, that we forget to take care of ourselves. It is amazing that a simple night out without hearing "Mom, I need..." or "Honey, where is the..." or "Since you are up, would you mind...", can do for you. It is like Mental Fuel! Can I have a second helping, please?